This show is an installation created by children from the village school and surrounding areas ages 4-14. They have created this tiny homage to Antony Gormley’s work “Field for the British Isles”. Led by Art teacher Helen Cooper they have each created a mixed media expression that reflects on their “self”. They were asked to think about how the pandemic had made them feel as they created their sculpture, and to explore their feelings thorough the making of their work. Helen sees daily the benefits of participatory Art practice and how this can help with mental health issues and wellness for all ages  – especially in these uncertain times. Children and teens have suffered a great deal during the pandemic and as we come out of lockdown this small work displays some of the joy and hope that our children bring. It has been such a pleasure to position each of these little souls in the gallery today, I hope you enjoy them too.

All the little figures are for sale – £5 framed and £2 unframed [see the photos for how this will look] all proceeds will go to Charity. DM me or Helen [@thestudioramsbury] for more info or email me at