Chelsea Foyer exhibition


“How does your garden grow ?”

Created from found, made and grown elements cast into glass, this glass garden is populated with a group of humorous and eccentric ‘hortopiaries’.  They are unexpected, surreal forms that look as if they have been clipped into shape like the sometimes bizarre topiary you see in people’s front gardens.  The range of hues, forms and textures among them accentuate their characters and strangeness, appealing to imagination, ripe for seeing stories.

This work is about the importance of human interaction, appreciation and understanding of nature and what it can offer. In a fragmented often chaotic and rapidly changing environment people struggle to find spaces to think, feel, be who they are and who they would like to be. A garden is a place where everyone can express themselves differently, being and growing who and what they want, a place for imagination and choice are made real.“How Does Your Garden Grow?” aims to entice viewers in to a magical, secret place where they can dare to dream and conjure with ideas, be who they want to be. A miniature monumental opportunity in a challenging world.

Artist Bio:

Angela Thwaites is an artist, researcher, author and educator based in South London. The focus for Angela’s art practice is making sculpture in glass. Exhibiting frequently on a national and international basis, her artwork is visually varied and combines hand and digital processes to explore 3D form and structure translated into glass. Angela has also created a number of works for specific locations and commissions and collaborates with other artists.

Contact Angela Thwaites